Monday, May 7, 2012

Two Chemicals Complex

This access suggests that the body's accolade arrangement overrides the body's arresting that abundant has been eaten to restore energy, the advisers said. It aswell may explain why, if we eat for pleasure, we're added acceptable to opt for a section of block than a confined of broccoli.

In the study, the advisers looked at eight advantageous adults, ages 21 to 33, who were satiated. Participants were accustomed their admired food, and later, a less-palatable aliment of according caloric and comestible value. The after-effects appearance that if we eat for pleasure, the physique releases chemicals that activate a activity of reward, and this may advance to overeating, the advisers said.

The advisers periodically abstinent levels of two chemicals complex in the body's accolade system: 2-arachidonoylglycerlo (2-AG) and ghrelin. They begin that the claret levels of these chemicals added if participants ate their admired foods, but not if they ate the beneath acceptable foods.

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